Saturday, November 21, 2009


So I finally started school here in the middle of October. Since my German isn’t that great, I’m not taking any courses at the actual University yet. I’m taking two courses that are run through AYF (the program I came here with). These courses are German history and German literature. I’m also taking two classes that are run through the SprachLehrInstitut. Basically these classes are meant for foreign students such as myself. Those two classes that I’m taking are Germany and Europe and 60 Years of the German Federal Republic. The final class I’m taking is at the Pädagogische Hochschule. Basically in Germany they do education differently, and when some students don’t go to the university, they go to the hochschule instead. So my class has all German students in it, except for me and three other Americans from my program. This class is basically learning about girl books versus boy books. This class is probably one of my more intense ones. I already have to read 4 books in German and write papers on them. It’s not TOO bad, but very time consuming.

A cool thing I find with German schools, is that after the teacher or professor lectures, everyone claps by knocking the knuckles of their hands against the desk. (sorry it’s kind of hard to describe) It’s pretty cool because it shows a sign of respect for your teacher and it’s a way of saying “thanks for teaching and sharing your knowledge with us.”

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